Getting started


Only CMake is supported for building Hermes-3 and running the tests. During configuration BOUT++ will be automatically downloaded as a submodule, together with some dependencies. NetCDF and FFTW are assumed to be installed already. The SUNDIALS library is strongly recommended for time-dependent simulations, and PETSc is needed to run some of the steady-state transport solver examples.

If you only want to run time-dependent simulations, then the recommended way to build Hermes-3 links to the SUNDIALS library:

  1. Configure with cmake, downloading and linking to SUNDIALS:

    cmake . -B build -DBOUT_DOWNLOAD_SUNDIALS=ON
  2. Build, compiling Hermes-3 and all dependencies:

    cmake --build build
  3. Run the unit and integrated tests to check that everything is working:

    cd build

Note that the integrated tests require MPI, and so may not run on the head nodes of many computing clusters.

The CMake configuration can be customised: See the BOUT++ documentation for examples of using cmake arguments, or edit the compile options interactively before building:

ccmake . -B build

If you have already installed BOUT++ and want to use that rather than configure and build BOUT++ again, set HERMES_BUILD_BOUT to OFF and pass CMake the path to the BOUT++ build directory e.g.


Note that Hermes-3 currently requires BOUT++ version 5.

Building with PETSC

When building PETSc it is recommended to include hypre. The following PETSc configure line is a good starting point:

./configure --with-mpi=yes --download-hypre --download-make --with-fortran-bindings=0 --with-debugging=0

To configure Hermes-3 with PETSc, use the -DBOUT_USE_PETSC=ON flag:


If the PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH environment variables have been set, then CMake should pick them up.

Numerical methods

Advection operators in Hermes-3 use slope limiters, also called flux limiters to suppress spurious numerical oscillations near sharp features, while converging at 2nd-order in smooth regions. In general there is a trade-off between suppression of numerical oscillations and dissipation: Too little dissipation results in oscillations that can cause problems (e.g. negative densities), while too much dissipation smooths out real features and requires higher resolution to converge to the same accuracy. The optimal choice of method is problem-dependent.

The CMake option HERMES_SLOPE_LIMITER sets the choice of slope limiter. The default method is MinMod, which has been found to provide a good balance for problems of interest. If less dissipation is required then this can be changed to MC (for Monotonized Central); For more dissipation (but 1st-order convergence) change it to Upwind.